Sara Fairfax

psycho poetica project

  This was a Year 8 painting project, looking at surrealist/abstract painters, De Chirico, Dali, Miro, Ernst, Klee, Kay Sage, Remedios Varo, Dorothy Tanning, Leanora Carrington, Frieda Kahlo and poetry with a surreal element, particulalry the work of Octavio Paz. Pupils recalled dreams and combined them with a poem that fitted that dream and transformed them into images. The pupils did painting experiements in colour and texture and explored images through collage before designing their final paintings. Favoured poems were 'A Fable of Joan Miro' and 'A Wind Called Bob Rauchenberg' in The Collected Poems' of Octavio Paz, from 'A Tree Within' 1976-1987.